
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This and That.

Well folks I am still around. I know it's been awhile but HEY what can I say. We got all moved out of our house a couple weeks ago and are staying with my MIL until her rental is ready for us, which could be as early as Saturday but most likely won't be until Monday. So yes that means we will be moving again. Things are going okay here. We are so lucky to have such wonderful family. We have stuff stored in a storage unit, which is packed full and then stuff at my grandma's and brother-in-laws house. And then of course stuff stored here with us. We can't wait to move and get things back to normal before the baby arrives.

We did finally get a new computer. Thank goodness. I do mostly everything on my phone now because the old computer was running soooooo slow and freezes up, especially when I am trying to write post or comment on all your lovelies blogs;) the new one isn't up and running yet. We are making some adjustments to it:) I have some pictures and things to share but I am waiting for the new computer because I don't have the patience to deal with the old one anymore.

As I am writing this from my phone laying in bed the little wiggly guy in my tummy won't be still. I would love to see what he is doing in there. I am 23 weeks pregnant this week and so far I am feeling pretty good. Of course the boys drive me crazy by the end of the day but it's all good when I wake in the mornings fresh ready to go again. Last week I had to go in for another ultrasound because my amniotic fluid was low and during the appointment the Nurse tried to confirm that he is a boy but she could not. She couldn't see any thing, no boy or girl parts. Well my fluid level did go up a little so right now it's good. So just to confirm we are having another little boy we are going to have a 3D ultrasound done in about 3 weeks. I figure this is the last little baby for us do why not go out with a bang and do the 3D ultrasound?! We didn't have one done with the boys so this will be something new for us.

Okay so what do you all do about negative comments or not so nice ones? I received my first not so nice comment a couple weeks ago. Of course they are "anonymous" and didn't leave their name. I just hope it wasn't one of my dear followers. It didn't really get to me as it wasn't that bad but it was directed towards me as a parent. I don't need some idiot telling me what's best for MY kids. Anyway what a jackhole douche bag!!!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend. Be prepared for picture overload once the new computer is up and running. And sorry for any typos as I am writing this from my iPhone and my hand is getting tired and my eyes are doing weird things now from staring at this little screen for what seems like forever.

The boys love these little shopping carts.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

It's a Boy!

Well I guess we just can't make little girls. We are still just as excited and we really just him to be healthy and perfect. The radiology technician is 99% sure it's a boy. He was moving and wiggling around like crazy and it was hard to get a perfect shot but it was pretty clear that something between the legs was always there.
There is no chance we will be trying a fourth time for a girl, this is it! I think three boys 2 years apart will keep us busy for awhile.
I had visions of pinks, purples, glittery, and sparkly girly things. We had what we think is the perfect girl name, so now it's back to the drawing board. And I just found out the name I like is in the running for my friends baby boy due in April:(
This week officially marks the half way mark....20 down, 20 more to go.
Everything has been going great, no complaints;) but I am starting to get a little nervous on how big this baby might be. Cameron and Easton were BIG babies, we are talking 9lbs 5 oz and 10lbs 12 oz. We will just have to wait and see on this.

Happy Birthday Ryan! Yesterday was also Ryan's birthday. We did manage to go out to lunch before the big appointment, which was nice since our dinner plans with the family got cancelled. I just wish his birthday present was here on time. I had to order it. He reads the blog so I can't say what it is but I know he will love it. It should be here today....fingers crossed!

Tomorrow is moving day, so I will be busy all weekend and can't wait to have some down time to get on the computer and catch up with my blogging buddies. Love my blogger app, so convenient blogging from my phone;)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Little Update.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

I just wanted to let you all know what's going on with us and the reason I have not been posting lately. I wasn't sure if I was going to share this or not. I am not ashamed but it's kind of personal. Anyway here goes.....we SOLD our house and are moving! Of course if you are selling in this market that can only mean one thing...SHORT SALE! We bought our home in February of 2007, just as the economy begin to take a dump and just as the prices of homes started to drop a little. We thought we were making the right decision to buy a house and getting a good deal. It's not that we couldn't afford our current mortgage because we could. Our payment was going to go up $500 and our interest rates were ridiculously high and the banks were unwilling to work with us to refinance. We knew one day we would leave this house and move on but we didn't think it would be this soon. Only after 5 years and we are out of here. We believe we are making the best decision for us and our family. With another little one on the way we would be busting out of this house {we already are} and if we didn't make this decision now we would be stuck here forever.

So we will be moving out this Friday and everything has to be cleared out by Sunday night. We are lucky and have a place to rent. My mother-in-law has a house right around the corner from us {one of the main reasons we bought this house} and we will be renting that house. She bought a new house last summer. So it's kind of cool that we will be living in the house my husband grew up in. It will already feel like home to us and we don't have to worry about looking for a decent rental. But there is one small issue.....the house will not be vacant until about the first week of February. So that means we have to pack up all our shit {which is a lot of shit} and put it into storage and stay a month with my mother-in-law. Kind of sucks but that's how it is so there is no use stressing over it. The boys, the cat, the dog, Ryan and I will all be bunking up at Grandma's. Cameron has already started asking questions about moving and where are we taking all our stuff too. Kinda hard to explain to a four year old.

So in the middle of all this craziness with Christmas, birthdays, being pregnant, and moving/packing two days before Christmas Ryan's Grandma passes away. It was a very sad day for all of us. She was poor health and had a list of things wrong with her but she was a fighter and fought all the way to the end. It was especially hard because this was his Dad's mom. His Dad passed away when we were Seniors in High School of a sudden heart attack. His dad was an only child and his grandma was the last direct connection Ryan and his brother had to his dad. It's never easy, even when they are old. But we all know she is in a better place now and in perfect health running and jumping around;)

On a happy and exciting note we find out tomorrow whether we are having a boy or girl. And tomorrow is Ryan's birthday! I am hoping he gets a nice little birthday surprise. If it's another boy that is just fine, I might end up in a crazy house but hey that's ok. We just want a healthy perfect baby but of course we all really want a little girl;)

I am hoping I have time next week to sit down and catch up with all my blogging buddies. Of course I will try and post the big news tomorrow or Thursday, thank goodness there is an App for Blogger:) Stay tuned.....