
Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Santa doesn' t look very happy but the boys were super excited, much different than last year. we waited over an hour in line to see Santa but it was so worth it for these boys. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and hope you all have a very Happy New Year!!!

Monday, December 24, 2012


Happy Birthday to the best Christmas present EVER.......I still cannot believe you decided to make your arrival on Christmas Eve.

Happy Birthday Easton!!!

Mom and dad love you so much, you bring so much joy to our lives with your sweet smile and your even sweeter little laugh.

Friday, December 21, 2012

This and That.

Lots of crap going on lately. I am seriously the world's worst blogger. I have a few post that are unfinished and a few that still need to be posted. One of the post would be the boys' birthday party we had at the beginning of the month:)) Anyway........

I have been so stressed lately between birthdays and Christmas that I just cannot wait for this month to be over and the new year to start.

Bentley is still not sleeping well and seems to be getting worst.

Ryan and I finally get a night away from the kids....all 3....but he has to work tomorrow so we are just going out to dinner {better than nothing....right?}

Today I am taking Cameron and Easton to Cameron's pre-school Christmas party.....that should be interesting. Oh and I hope a candle is a good enough gift for his teacher. Then I thought about all the helpers....whoops...really do you buy everyone a gift?! I don't even know all their names.

I miss all my bloggy friends. I need to do some serious catching up.

We saw Santa and had Bentley's infant pictures taken the other day and both went well. We got a couple good pictures of all three.

I still need to make Christmas cookies and wrap every single present.

Our $50 Christmas tree starting to die like after the second day of having it.....hopefully it won't look too pathetic on Christmas morning.

Oh and I totally getting into much fun and exciting to see how much you can save. I will for sure be posting about that sometime.

Okay folks thats all I have time for now. I have to get all 3kiddos ready to leave the house in an hour for the party.

Monday, December 17, 2012


Happy Birthday Cameron!

Seriously cannot believe you are already five years old....where does the time go?!
Mom and Dad love you so much.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

6 Months.

This little guy is just growing too damn fast. I cannot believe Bentley is already almost 7 months old! Sometimes I wish he would just slow down and stop growing just for a little bit. He is fast moving now too. He is crawling all over and gets faster everyday. He is now wondering out of the living room into the kitchen and out of his bedroom across the hallway and into our room. And he can just about sit up on his own. Last night he was sitting up with no hands touching the floor for a few seconds. He is still such a good baby.
And still no damn teeth. I swear those damn things are never going to come in. Most of the time he is content playing and crawling around. He loves when the boys play with him and make him giggle and laugh. The night time sleep still isn't great but it's all good, I am used to it from the first two. Let's just hope he sleeps through the night sooner than they did:))

A couple weeks ago he had his 6 month check-up. He is the smaller one out of three boys. He is a growing healthy baby. He weighs almost 19lbs and is 28 inches long. He still has that damn green, gooey, crusty, eye. I am still hoping it goes away on its own. Right now he is just getting over a little cold. We all had little colds so he was bound to get it sooner or later. It never really seemed to bother him, he had a runny nose and a cough. The little cough was so sad to hear. It seems to be fading....thank goodness.

 Just like his brothers, he LOVES his blanket!!!