
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

7 months.

Okay I just found this unfinished unpublished post....its a little late:)) this was typed up on Dec.23

Every time I do one of these post I seriously cannot believe Bentley is a month older. He is growing so fast and doing new stuff all the time. He is sitting up now all on his own and he is also pulling himself up on his knees to play with his toys. It's only a matter of time until he will be standing.
He is all over the house these days, even more so now. Before he would just hang out with me in the kitchen and roam around, well now he's gotta be where all the action is and always wants to see what his brothers are doing. I had to move the crib mattress down already and I am thinking I should have just moved it down all the way.
Oh and How could I forget......A couple weeks ago his bottom teeth finally started to break through! He's got the bottom two coming in. I am really hoping after those come he starts sleeping a little better. Even during nap time he has been a pain in the butt. He is still taking some of his naps in the swing. Both Cameron and Easton hated the swing, so its nice to finally really get to use it. I feel like we are finally getting our monies worth out of it:))

Last week we finally had his infant pictures taken. And we were lucky to get a picture of all three. 

Seriously love these boys so much!!!!


Well my last post was two weeks ago from Saturday and I posted that we were going to Monster Jam that night and Easton was starting to feel and look and little sick. Well by the time it came to leave that night he looked like SHIT. He and Cameron both crashed on the couch around 3 and we had to leave around 5 to meet our friends for dinner. Well when they woke they were both hacking away, we seriously had no business taking them out, let alone taking them out to a restaurant to eat. But what were we going to do?! Tell them we are not going to Monster Jam....ah NO, they have been looking forward to this for months. Neither was running a fever and Easton is the one that looked real bad but once we got to the Arena he perked up and was excited and had a blast.

So Sunday rolls around and Easton is totally fine but nowt it's Cameron who has a fever and is looking sluggish. He was pretty calm all day {which is so not like him} he took a nap and ran a fever off and on all day. Oh and I forget to mention Bentley also started coughing and was getting congested Saturday {which I was not happy about because he never got over his last little cold that had lasted the last month or so} and he started running a fever late Sunday night. So Monday all three are coughing and had snotty running noses. Bentley started wheezing and it was slowly getting more noticeable and he was still running a fever off and on.

Tuesday Bentley is still running a fever and his wheezing is getting worse. He was like almost panting. I called the advice nurse several times in just a few days and finally Tuesday night I called and said I want to bring him in and have him looked at because it was getting worse and he looked like shit. Surprisingly he wasn't that cranky, not like he should have been. Oh and then when I picked up Cameron from school Tuesday afternoon he looked exhausted and fell asleep on the way home {which is only like a 10 minutes away}. We got home and he passed back out and was also running a fever.

Wednesday rolls around {the day I got my tooth pulled...eeeeeekkkk, I survived!} So after my dental appointment I took Bentley to the Doctor. Turns out he has ear infections in both ears and was a wheezing fool. His wheezing sounded so bad by this time, Ryan came home from work and was like, you need to take him now! So we got some antibiotics for the eat infection and some Albuterol for his wheezing.
Bentley started getting better within a couple of days. With the humidifier on full blast and the inhaler with Albuterol plus the Amoxicillin he was on his way to being healthy. But the other sick child....Cameron, he laid in bed for days with a fever and terrible cough. After several more phone calls to the Doctor's office once again I said we have been patient enough and I want to bring him in. So the following Monday {a week of running a fever and laying in bed} he went to the doctor. Turns out he also has a double ear infection and Pneumonia and he was prescribed Albuterol as well. His eyes were also all junked up and red so he got some eye drops too. And within a couple of days he was feeling better also. And by the end of the week he was back to his normal wild self. And can I just tell you giving medicine to a 5 year old SUCKS ASS!!! So freaking dramatic!!! Finally after a week now it only takes him a couple minutes to drink the Amoxicillin and he doesn't mind the inhaler anymore. Oh and then the same day Cameron went to the doctor Easton was complaining about his eye. It started getting red and puffy and he was saying it hurt. So back to the doctor I went on Tuesday with Easton. Nothing major just a little eye infection from being sick so we got some eye drops for him too. And now I think everyone is healthy. The kids still have little coughs but nothing like it was.  Cameron is loud and dramatic and bossy so I know he is feeling fine. I also had a little cold in the middle of all that and both Ryan and I have minor sore throats that come and go {very annoying}.

All of the meds for the kiddos.....B hated his inhaler at first but I kinda made it a game and now he laughs and giggles:))

This is what Cameron did for the first 4 days or so...then he moved to the couch in the playroom.

I am so glad they are feeling better. Even though the house was quiet for a few days and Cameron was mellow, I hate to see him so sick. We were really getting worried there when he wasn't getting any better and the fever wouldn't really go away. And then poor little baby....really looked like crap and he wasn't getting any better either. At least now we have the inhalers on hand just is case this crap comes back. I sure hope this is it. I know it has been a bad cold/flu season and I hope everyone in bloggy land is staying healthy:)