
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter from our crazy bunch to your crazy bunch;)) We got a great picture this year with the Easter Bunny. Cameron and Easton were so excited, it was so cute. They didn't want to leave the mall. We must have waved bye a million times. We have a full day ahead of us, splitting the day up between my family and Ryan's family. I hope all of you have a wonderful day!!! Happy egg hunting!!! {I am hoping the rain holds of our egg hunts is bound to be rained on}.

10 Months

Well not much has change since last month. He still isn't sleeping through the night and still really doesn't  eat much but we are trying everyday. He really loves the little pouch thingys that they suck on, he loves the fruit smoothie ones:) Oh and of course he loves all the puffs, he will shove in a couple at a time and freak me the F%$K out when he starts gagging. He is still all over the place and getting into everything. We are constantly chasing him around. And of course he is getting over another cold.....and of course he gave it to me:)) 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

9 Months.

Well not a whole lot has changed since the last update. Still not sleeping all night and still not really eating much. Finally started to eat more of the puffs. He loves to gnaw on bread and it keeps him busy for awhile. He is still taking cat naps in the swing every once in awhile {so happy to finally get some use out of that swing}. He is wearing out the knees in his pj's and his pants. Several have holes and are dirt stained. 

Oh and he is still as cute as can be:)

YAY...the next update is 10 months and I will be all caught up!!! Kinda sad the 12 month update is approaching ***TEARS*** LOTS OF TEARS*** only 2 months and he is a year!!! WTF??!! Where did the last year?! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

8 Months.

Well not much has changed since last month {{once again I am a little behind and this was one of those half finished post....I am going to catch up and post 9 months within a few days and then that will bring us right at 10 months!!!}} 
He is still sleeping like crap but what's new. He got sick and had to have an inhaler and had ear infections in BOTH ears.  He is just about done with baby food, gags it up or throws it up actually.  He will eat some fruit every once in awhile. He started cutting two more teeth so that makes a total of 8 now. He is getting faster and faster these days, I turn my head for a second and he has the toilet paper roll getting ready to throw it in the toilet:) or trying to get some kitty roca......BARF!!! He loves to play with his brothers toys and especially loves the monster trucks, which they do not like AT ALL.  He is growing so fast it's so sad. I wish he could stay a baby just a teeny tiny bit longer. Pretty soon he is going to be running around acting like a wild child with his crazy brothers.

Friday, March 1, 2013

To: Cynthia-The Joys of Pregnancy and Labor.

This post is dedicated to my dearest friend.....Cynthia. 

There are just some things your mom isn't going to tell you about pregnancy, labor, and life after you give birth. That's why you have girlfriends that won't sugar coat things and make it all sound peachy. I did not mind being pregnant and had no major problems. I did miss feeling them move around inside but did not miss all the uncomfortableness that comes along with it.  But by the end of the pregnancy when your huge and fat and so uncomfortable your so ready for it to be over with. 

Some of things written in this post might be a little TMI....just a warning that I will be writing about boobs, nipples, and vaginas.

In the beginning there might be a little morning sickness or a lot. I had just a little for about the first 14 weeks or so. You will be tired and your boobs will start to hurt and get super sore. Oh and don't forget the frequent urination that never goes away and the lovely discharge.
Then you will start to feel good get some energy back and think "Oh this isn't so bad" then about 30 weeks or so all the "cool" stuff starts to happen.............................
  • Your boobs may or may not have started to leak at this point.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions may have started and sometimes they can be quite uncomfortable. Lots of water will help with these. 
  • Of course as I already mentioned......the yucky whitish discharge, sometimes will cause you to have to wear a pantyliner:) This started in the beginning for me....just what you wanted to know...right?!
  • Back pain may have settled in. With Easton and Bentley I had terrible back pain....NO BUENO!!!
  • The pubic bone/pelvis pain. This hurts so bad!!! I could barely get out of bed. And then sometimes you could hear it popping. This started to happen in the last 6 weeks or so and it was only with Bentley. 
  • Feeling major pressure in your area down there. Sometimes it felt like he was just going to pop out or something. It hurts to get out of bed and even walk. Not a good feeling at all. Very strange. I did not have that feeling with the first two.
  • Swelling of the hands and feet. This happened early on for me with Cameron. I was not about to go without my wedding ring, so I had it sized a one whole size bigger and it was still tight. Now after 3 kiddos its practically falling off so I need to get it sized smaller again, Ryan reminds me almost daily I will not be getting a new one if I lose it:)

Now here are some great things about labor.......

  • Sometimes you lose the "mucus plug", you will know when this happens. It's disgusting! With Cameron I lost it right at the same time contractions started. But it's different for everyone. With Cameron it was a ton of junk down there but Easton not so much. I have also read and heard that you can lose it over time as well. But when you do start losing it that probably means labor is near:)
  • It HURTS! I believe I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. With Cameron it wasn't that bad. I got an epidural but then that slowed things down a bit {as Cynthia knows because she was there}. Well we all know with Easton there was no time for any drugs and it hurt like HELL. The burning sensation is the worst and the contractions are no joke.
  • Labor can take FOREVER! Make sure to bring some snacks for Joe and maybe the Ipad:) and a pillow from home might be nice. 
  • Pushing out a baby is like one of the hardest things I have ever had to do! It's different for everyone. I pushed for a little over 3 hours with Cameron and I never thought it was going to end. My back was killing me towards the end and I seriously thought I would never get him out. 
  • You may or may not poop while happens.
  • You may need an epsoimoy to get him out and if so Joe will want to turn his head {or at least that's what our doctor told Ryan} and if so your recovery time will take a little longer and you will be a little more sore in that area.....OH JOY!
  • If you have an epidural it will take a while for it to wear off. You won't be able to stand up and walk for a bit but at least you really won't feel the doctor pushing out the lovely placenta:)
  • Beware when they move you to the bathroom to go pee....this is not a pretty site. Lots and lots of junk coming out down there. With all three boys the bleeding lasted about 3 weeks or so.
  • The nurses will give you a little squirt bottle thingy to clean down there after every time you go to the bathroom and then they give some spray stuff to spray down there to help with the burning. This will be your best friend especially if you have stitches.

One of the best pieces of advice I got while pregnant with Cameron was from one of the baseball players Mom that Ryan coached....she said to me when I was about 34 weeks pregnant or so to start rubbing my nipples with sponge {or something} to get them ready. At first I thought she was crazy but after 3 kids I can tell you this is not crazy. The nipples get so very sore, especially in the beginning. I can remember with Easton they were starting to get red and cracking when I was still in the hospital...probably because he was a giant and ate all day long:) 
And since we are talking about breasts....they will hurt like hell once your milk comes in. They will hard as rock and like 3 times the normal size. Nurse often and massage them:)

Cynthia is now 33 weeks pregnant {I think}t. I cannot believe she will be having a baby in 2 months! FINALLY!!! 
I cannot wait for her to go into labor and finally experience labor and child birth. Finally after 5 years of talking about it since Cameron was born she will get to experience it herself. She was the only one at the hospital when Easton was born and she was just outside the room and she said it sounded like my arm was being chopped off....YES i was screaming! It hurt so freaking bad. 

Last weekend was her baby shower and everything turned out wonderful. Her mom, sis, myself and a college friend all helped and put our ideas together. Her mom really went all out for everything. It was prefect. 

So tell me ladies what was the best and worst thing about pregnancy and/or labor? We all know the end result is well worth it and by far the best thing ever or why else would we do it again and again:)

Please excuse any typos.....The kids are starting to wake up and I just need to post this or it will never happen. It was one of my many half written posts.