
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Friday Rewind.

Okay......well this Friday rewind is a couple days late....surprise, surprise.

This week was kinda a big week for us. Lots of things happening here in the Mink household. We went to Cameron's little school picnic to meet his teacher and say hello. Cameron had his first practice for fall ball, which is going to be coaches pitch. He's done with the T-ball {of course I have a post dedicated to his T-ball season but who knows when that will be up}. 

We took the kids out to ice cream which is always an adventure taking them anywhere. They used to hate ice cream but now they love it and of course they will only eat certain flavors. Cameron will only eat vanilla. Easton will eat vanilla with chocolate and/or caramel syrup and chocolate.  

Then Thursday was Cameron's first day of Kindergarten. I cannot believe our kids are already starting school. It's only 3 hours a day but it's every day. So this week will be interesting since it will be our first full week of coming and going to school. 

I also found wedding shoes and picked up my dress for Cynthia's wedding {which is only 2 weeks away from today....EEEEEEKKKKKk}. And I still have some things to finish up for the wedding....crunch time!!!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Friday Rewind.

Well the weather here has been great all week for the month of August but that has me a bit worried because I know the scorching 100 degree temps are not over with, heck it can be 100 still in the month of October. I sure hope it's not. So that means lots of time outside this week. Actually the weather doesn't seem to bother them half the time. 

We found out that Cameron got into the morning session so that's great news. I would have gone nuts with an 11:40-3:00 schedule.

We all went on a family outing to the driving range and has always Cameron ends up in trouble and crying by the time we get back to the car. I didn't do all that bad for not hitting a ball in over a year but I took it easy and only hit a handful. The kids love it cause the balls pop up from a dispenser onto a tee;)

Bentley and I went to Cynthia's dress fitting {wedding is just 3 weeks away} while Cameron and Easton went to John's Incredible Pizza with my mom and grandma. It was nice to come home and have the house quiet for a bit. Bentley decided his 10 minute nap in the car was good enough so nap and actually that happened like 3 times this week. 

All three crazies got hair cuts and they were actually pretty good the whole time we were there. We had to wait a little bit even though we had an appointment which was annoying especially when I am waiting with 3 kids but oh well. 

And this was Thursday. One of the days Bentley decided not to nap.......

I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are off to a birthday party today and who knows what we are doing tomorrow:)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friday Rewind.

Good Morning!

I got some great news yesterday that totally made my day or actually made my week or better yet made my month of August! I am not going to get any news better than this. We finally got a call that Cameron got into the school we want him to go to for Kindergarten to 8th grade....WHOOOHOOOO. I was so freaking happy and relieved. So this morning I am off to enroll and register him. School starts in just 2 weeks so I was getting anxious to find out any information and getting annoying with calling the district every week to be told something different every time. 

Sunday afternoon Ryan and I made it back from our 4 day camping Jeepers Jamboree trip. A shower and real bed never felt so good. It was a ton of fun and I can't wait until next year. 

This week we finally took our pup Mattie to the vet. She has had this bump/lump kinda by her nose on her muzzle area. One day about 3 weeks ago we just noticed it and thought maybe she got stung by a bee or something but it hasn't gotten smaller but hasn't gotten bigger either. And she hasn't been inhaling her food like she usually does. So we got her caught up on her shots and they tested the bump for abnormal cells and everything came back ok. So for now we are just going to watch it and do hot compresses to it.

Nothing exciting this week going on besides Cameron getting into our school of choice. And now all the fun begins. Oh and If I have time today I need to stop by Macy's to look at wedding shoes. The wedding is only a month away so finding a pair of shoes is top priority right. I know exactly the shoes I am looking for so I hope they have them and they fit right....fingers crossed!!!