
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sunday Funday.

This past Sunday we were lucky enough to get tickets to the Nascar SaveMart 350 at Sonoma Raceway. We were debating if we should take the boys or my Grandma who loves Nascar, we decided to take the boys but we will be take Grandma next year when they come back. After going and experiencing it we HAVE to take her. She will love it!!! We are happy we did take the boys. They had so much fun. Cameron enjoyed himself the most and was pouty when it was time to leave {we left a little early to beat the some of the traffic and he was not happy about that. He is already asking when we can go to another race. I have a feeling he will be watching them race this weekend on TV.

We left bright and early Sunday morning around 6am so the boys were not too excited about that. The raceway is only about an hour and a half from us with no traffic. It did take a little longer because we hit traffic as we got about 10 miles out but wasn't too bad. Once we got there and parked the kids were super excited. All Cameron wanted to do was see the race cars. We walked around and checked everything our for awhile. The kids had hot dogs for breakfast/lunch. After awhile of walking around and the kids starting to complain we headed to our seats for the start of the race. 

I really don't believe you have to be a Nascar fan to enjoy yourself and have a good time. We are not die hard fans at all {my Grandma and Aunt...yes they are!!!!}we will watch the race on TV on occasions and we know the drivers names and we don't own anything Nascar gear but we still had an AWESOME time. It was very cool to see that cars race around the track. We will for sure be going again. Such a super cool experience. 

This was over looking the race track from the parking lot, it was quite the hike in and out.

 I had the super lens on the camera so a close up is all i got.

 Easton could barely see out......

He is always doing these "strike a pose" pictures with funny faces.

 There Easton is again hugging Cameron for the picture. 

 We had to get a picture in front of Jr.'s trailer....that's Nino's { that's what the boys call my Grandma} favorite driver:)

 Cameron was so into checking out all the trailers selling all their merchandise. He had to check them all out.

 Getting a decent picture is not easy. 

 There was a 30 minute air show which was cool and the boys loved it.

 Bentley watching the jets.

 This picture isn't bad. He's always got to be moving around, can't just stand there...LOL

All the trailers and RV's at the campground.

 This thing was hauling butt around the track. Looked a little scary.

 The old school bombers flew over right before the start of the race. 

 This guy ran out of gas.....

 Easton being Easton.

 Not a great picture. B was passed out and it was windy.

 A crash right in front of our turn. It was scary seeing it LIVE and the driver was OK.

So there you have it. Our first Nascar race, so much fun!!! If you ever get the chance to go to one highly recommend it. We would love to go to a track and not a road course. Here they were only going about 100 mph and on the regular tracks the go like 200 mph. oh and my hair totally smelled like the track the next morning when I woke up. I thought Ryan was nuts Sunday night when he was getting ready for bed and said his shit smelt like rubber and fuel. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014


OH MY GOSH..... can you believe my last post was like forever ago. August 18 I think. I posted a pic of Cameron's first day of kindergarten. Well he has finished kindergarten and here is a picture of his last day.   Easton started pre-school in February and will go all next school year as well. 

Oh and school has been out for 2 weeks and I am so ready for it start. The boys are at each other non-stop all day long. The fight, wrestle, and horse around all day.......oh and Cameron's attitude....seriously he is's going to be a long summer....8 weeks to go! But you know what is going to be really sad when school does start up and I realize Cameron is going to be in first grade ***tears*** Yes I am thrilled he will be going all day but at the same time it's so sad because that's like super big boy status now, going to school all day:(  At least him and Easton will get some time apart doing their thing.

 The sun had just been blazing right in his eyes so of course he has a funny look on his face.

This was also taken the last day of school. The whole school took a field trip to the aquatic center.

No clue why he has a funny look. I took like 4 or 5 pictures and in all he looks funny...ugh.

 Well I am hoping to make a come back here. Not that my blog was all that big to begin with. I know of a few family and friends that always kept up to date with it and are currently giving me shit because it's been forever since my last post. I have been keeping up on my bloggy friends through instagram {just started back on there recently} and facebook. Some have moved and some have had babies and others babies are growing so big and fast just like my Baby B. 

And here's crazy #3......hanging with daddy at Cameron's school on field day.

No idea how I am going to catch you all up. Maybe a 30 day blog challenge??? I have been thinking about that for while now. Anyone going to do a 30 day blog challenge???!!! Anyone?