
Monday, November 24, 2014

Make it Monday.

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!

I am excited to share todays Make it Monday with you all. I got this idea from Ronda Wade, she is a fellow Stampin' Up! Demonstrator and runs a training group that is not part of SU! that I have joined. It's an awesome group! LOVE LOVE THIS GROUP. Even though my business is still itty bitty I am learning so much from her and all the other members. We have a Facebook group where we can ask and share questions and answers, I cannot say enough awesome things about it! Click here for more information on her training group.

First you need 2 pieces of 4 1/2 x 6 1/2 sized paper and of the same pattern or color. The Stampin' Up! paper stacks work well for this. In this picture I am using retired product from last years holiday catalog. 

You need to score 3 sides at 1 inch.  You score 2 of the 6 1/2 sides and 1 of the 4 1/2 sides. The black lines in the above picture show the score marks. Then you will cut on the score lines on the bottom up to the score line like shown above. {Hope that makes sense}

Next you will need to put adhesive on the bottom of the little flaps and fold in on your score marks so the little flaps adhere to the bottom. You can use your favorite adhesive I recommend something a little stronger for boxes and bags. I like LOVE the green Tombow multi liquid glue. 

You will need to score, cut, and glue the little flaps on both sheets of paper. 
Once you have your 2 sides made up put your adhesive on the inside bottom and the inside sides of just one of them. Then you will sandwich them together. {OH geeze I hope that made sense} 

Run your fingers up the middle of each side and creasing at the top like shown in the picture. 

Take a 2x3 piece of cardstock and adhere to the back and fold over and close shut with a mini clothespin. You can a little tag or stamped image to the little piece of cardstock. 

I hope you enjoy this cute little bag and give it a try this holiday season. It's the perfect size for all those little gifts you have to give PLUS it's super cute.  We made this at a class  I offered a couple weeks ago.  It was a big hit and I hope my customers will use this idea for their own gift giving.  And I hope you understand my instructions, if not please ask me!!!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday Rewind.

Well what can I say about this week?! Another busy week!!! Cameron had early dismissals everyday this week because they had parent/teacher conferences. That was kinda nice because we were home around noonish BUT crazy because then I had a short amount time to do all my running around.

Monday I got my hair done and went RED this time. I needed a change BUT hoping it's not too much of a change before we have family pictures taken. pictures are this weekend!! That should be interesting. And that's what I was busy doing today and yesterday, I was getting outfits together. I knew what I wanted I just hadn't had any time to go out shopping, so last minute me running around:)

Today Bentley was a bit challenging. He screamed and sobbed while we were shopping all because he had to try on a sweater and shoes. Then at another store he kept trying to run out the front door. He did this a couple weeks ago at this same store and I ended up walking out empty handed because he was impossible. And well he did the same thing today but after a few times he did manage to find a toy in the store to play with for about 5 whole minutes, it gave me just enough time to hurry and grab the sizes I needed.



We had Cameron's parent/teacher conference this week. All is good he just needs to spend more time practicing reading and blending his words together. Not sure if I already shared this or not but a couple weeks ago he picked up Where the Wild Things Are and read the entire story. His class did a little skit at school and each student had to memorize a couple sentences {they performed it at a Senior home for the old folks} so he was reading it a lot at school and I had no clue he knew how to read the entire story. I was very proud of him and just about almost cried. It was very cool to see him reading it all on his own. He just needs to keep practicing. We read every night but sometimes he screws around and then he ends up just making half the effort. 

A couple months ago Cameron had an eye exam at his school and we got a form in the mail stating he failed the color portion of it. Well we finally went in to see the eye doctor and he said Cameron is fine for now and to get another check-up in a couple years. We have never noticed a problem with his colors so we were kinda shocked when we got the paper in the mail. The doctor said sometimes kids just have a hard time with the different shades of colors so as of now he is not color blind:) 

Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!!!! Wish us luck on our family pictures....hoping the kids cooperate:)

And to my homegirl will get it next time sista!!! Love you!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Make it Monday.

Well the craft fair I did over the weekend didn't go very well. There wasn't much foot traffic {once again} and to be honest I was a little disappointed BUT I will not get discourage and I will just keep trying different craft fairs until I find a good one.  I was hoping to do another another fair before Christmas but I am just not sure that is going to happen. My weekends are limited because most fairs are on Saturdays and I only have one person to watch all 3 kiddos all day.

Today's Make it Monday is a card I did for a Swap I participated in back in August. I just love this bundle! I wish I have had more time to play with it. This set would look super cute on some scrapbook pages, especially those Project Life pages. I can't wait to make up some scrapbook pages using this set. It may take me a few years but I will eventually get around to it:)


                       I know the pictures are terrible.....sorry phone pictures this time around:(

Here are the items I used to make this card: 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Rewind.

Once again another busy week and lots going on. This week was kinda nice because the kids were out of school for Veteran's Day. Cameron was off Monday thru Wednesday and Easton was off Monday and Tuesday.  It was nice having a couple extra days off from the regular morning routine of getting the kids ready and out the door for school. 

We made it to the Fish Hatchery and for the first time we were there when they opened the gates. That was kinda cool to see. Every time we are there the gate is closed and you see all these crazy Salmon trying to fight their way through and over the gate. We got to see them jumping up the ladder....pretty cool. The kids love checking out all the fish....well except Bentley...keep scrolling and you will see Bentley really didn't care for the fish.

This was after the fish and the play area. Happy Bentley:)

 Bentley was terrified of the fish. He wanted nothing to do with them. He didn't want to get near them. 

They were so amused with throwing rocks into the river.

Then on Wednesday Easton had to go to school and Cameron was off. So we take Easton to school and let's just say this was not a good day, it was all bad.  I had to drag him out of the car and carry him into the classroom. Then he darted out of the room and started walking running back to the car. 

He claims he was too tired to go to school. I stood there for 30 minutes trying to get him into the classroom. Nothing was working. So we left and went home. Thank goodness Cameron is at the age where he can kinda help out with Bentley. He was inside Easton's classroom with Bentley the entire time I was outside with Easton. Once we got home Easton was sent straight to his room. At first he did lay down and act like he was going to sleep then after a few minutes he says he's not tired anymore and he's only tired at school. He was to stay in his room all day but I think once he realized I wasn't going to budge on this he decided he was ready to go. I told him if he thought he was ready to get his shoes and socks on and we will go AND he didn't have stay in his room all day long. So an hour later I dropped him off and he was fine. 

This was Easton hanging onto the pole, not wanting to go into his classroom. He must have been in this spot for 10 minutes...UGH!!!!

Cameron had a field trip to The Crest Theatre to see Harry the Dirty Dog. Of course the day we are driving downtown in traffic is the day it decides to rain. We did get lucky and it was only that annoying misting rain but still made for a bad hair day. The play was only an hour long and then we were on our way back to the school. I was lucky enough to have the teacher drive with me so the 5 kids I had in my car were fairly good and were not too crazy.

Not  a very good picture but this is Cameron at the theater waiting for the play to start.

On Sunday I had card class. The second sunday of the month is my regular card class and then today I did a tags, bags, and gift card holder class for the holidays. AND then tomorrow I am doing another craft fair. So between the 2 classes and the craft fair I have been busy. And earlier this week I got the boys' birthday invites printed {'s that time of year again!} So I need to work on getting those in the mail at the beginning of next week. 
Oh and then right before class was getting ready to start a few houses dow from us the water company busted a gas pipe, so that was not good. They blocked off the road and had it repaired in a few hours. But still a little scary especially the smell of the gas and the hissing sound. 

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!!!! We are headed to Apple Hill Sunday:) Apple donuts and fritters....YUMMY!!!!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Make it Monday.

WHOOOHOOOO!!!!!!! We finally got a new computer! So exctited!!!!! I broke down and got a Mac. It is a lot different and will take some adjusting to get used to but so far we LOVE it. It's so nice to have a computer with all the keys in place {the last one was missing a couple letters due to Easton ripping them off when he about 2}, it's also so nice to get online and not have the internet take forever or freeze up. I am so so excited to get back to blogging and not have it take me all day to write a post due to the computer taking forever when uploading the pictures or editing them. Now if I could only find some time to really sit down and get to know this little thing. I am waiting for the day Bentley will leave me alone while sitting down at the computer. Everytime he wants up {the computer is currently stationed at the counter in the kitchen at the bar area, it's the only place we have for it in our house at this time} and he's always wanting to see what's going on. Especially if I am trying to upload pictures.

I will get an update post out this week to let you know what we have been up the past month or so. But today I am going to get back to my Make it Mondays!!!!!

Today I am going to share with you a little gift card holder. I made some of these for a craft fair I did a couple weekends ago. They are really easy and super cute. I have seen several of these ideas on pinterest and cannot remember exactly where I saw the idea. This was made using the envelope punch board. Start with a 5x5 piece of card stock and then punch and score at 2 inches. 

I am thinking I might make some mini coffee cups to match this little holder and maybe offer those at my craft fair coming up this weekend. I am also thinking we will make one of these at this Friday's class:)

Here are the items I used to make this adorable gift card holder:

Monday, November 3, 2014


I am still around. We havent had a comouter for like a month. We were hoping it could be repaired and it would hang on just a bit longer but NO!  Hopefully this week i will be able to go out and look for one. Its driving us nuts not having one. I am writing this from the Kindle and cannot see what i am typing, the keyboard is taking over half the screen. I hate typing on the Kindle:(

I am so bummed. I was doing so good with my twice a week postings maybe once we get a new computer i will bump it up more and post more often since after all the new computer should be super fast and shouldn't have any issues :)

October was a busy month. I am looking foward to November. The kids have a few days off from school which will hopefully give me some downtime. Probably not though. I have a big Minecraft birthday party to get ready for. And possibly another craft show.

Had to throw in a picture of this cutie!!!

Hope to be back soon!!!!