
Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday Rewind.

Things are finally starting to slow down around here. It was a short school week and our first week with no baseball. Next week will be a little hectic but its all good because we can rest after that. 

I will have a busy weekend trying to gather and print pictures to finish Cameron's teachers mini book I am making her for an end of the year gift. I just started the cover tonight and I am super excited the way it looks so far. Although my feelings not hat could change once I start to add embellishments. 

Cameron's school has a Parent Appreciation Day where they invite all the parents to the classrooms and the students usually sing and put on a little performance and serve us little desserts. Cameron's class this year sang a couple songs and then read a book to their parents. It's really sweet to see the kids get super excited to do this for their parents. One thing I forgot to do was to get a picture of Cameron and I:( kinda bummed about that. 

Last night we headed to a pizza party in the park for Cameron's end of the season baseball party. The kids ran around and had blast. Easton and Bentley got down on some cake. 

My seeds in the garden have just started sprouting .....super excited about that! I just got a couple more packets today...carrots and onions, I plan on planting them tomorrow. Now if I could Bentley to stop picking off the leaves and pulling up the plants....UGH...damn kid!!!!

I am obsessing over the Ronald McDonald House Charity stamp set Stampin' Up! has in the new catalog, which will be available to order starting on Tuesday. I couldn't resist playing around with it.....when really I should have been doing something for my teacher book I am making. 

Cameron has always been into mowing the lawn with Ryan since he was a toddler. A couple months Ryan let him have a hand in helping mow the lawn. I think the last time he mowed he was out there for LONG time just mowing away while Ryan sat, watched, and ate some otter-pops. 

Oh and I totally loving this gel nail polish crap. Seriously like the BEST thing ever. I have had painted nails since Sunday and NO chipping whatsoever! So awesome! I think I am hooked now!!

One last thing...whoever came up with the saying...."The Terrible Twos" ...your child must have been a freaking angel because in our household it's more like the "HORRIBLE THREES"!!!! When will it end?!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Make it Monday.

Today's Make it Monday is a sneak peak of some new products offered in the 2015-2016 annual catalog that will be available for order next Tuesday June 2. I am thinking next month's card class we will be working with this set:) 

The Sprinkles of Life stamp set is the Ronald McDonald House stamp set in the new catalog. When you purchase this stamp set Stampin' Up! donates $3 to the Ronald McDonald House Charities. This stamp set coordinates with the new Tree Builder Punch also available starting next Tuesday. I am absolutely loving this set. There are so many possibilities. I have a couple samples in progress that I am working on right now.  I also used the new paper stack Cherry on Top....which is super cute!!! Stay tuned ...only a week left until all the new products are available to order...WHOOOHOOO!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

This and That.

Well lots of random things happening around our hood. The school year is just about over with {whoohooo} and baseball has officially ended this past Friday. Cameron's team played and won the Championship game Friday night.

Last weekend was Bentley's birthday and his party. Lots of planning and prepping for that {glad that's over with}. 

In between baseball games last weekend we had just enough time to run and get Bentley a haircut before his big party on Sunday and this was his little treat.

Then it was my birthday a couple days after Bentley's. Ryan broke the rules again and surprised me with a gift certificate for a mani and pedi and since Cynthia was in town visiting for a week he got her one too that way I would have to go OR it would take me months to go use it {we went this morning on our mani/pedi date}.

Don't let the white legs blind you!

Cynthia, Beckett, and Rebecca came to visit us at Easton's game earlier in the week and it just happened to be my birthday.

After Easton's game they had their "team party" where the kids get their trophies. All the kids always look forward to that and cannot wait. 

I still have lots to do for the mini book I am making Cameron's teacher for an end of the year gift. I need to sift through the pictures on our class shutter fly account and pick out some pictures then I can really get moving on it. I have no clue what I am going to do for Easton's teachers but feel I need something easy....I will be searching Pinterest for that. 

Have I mentioned that I tracked how long I spend in the car in a week?! Well on average in 7 days I am spending about 16 hours in my car driving....AND I DON'T HAVE A JOB! My job is driving my kids to and from school and to and from baseball. 

I finally got our garden planted today! It feels good to finally have that done. It's been on my to-do list for weeks now. We might be putting a fence up around it. I am little worried about Mattie {the dog} but I think even more worried about Bentley. He was already picking some of the leaves off the plants....damn kid!!!

 Ryan has been itching to take the Jeep out. So since I already had my date planned with Cynthia he said it was just going to be him and  the boys~minus Bentley. So off they went yesterday afternoon. I was a little nervous about it since there is no cell reception where he was going. They made it back this afternoon safe and the Jeep was still in one piece. 

 Last year we had a horrible fire in the sierra that torched acres and acres of land, of forest. Ryan said it was absolutely heart breaking to see it. 

 Ryan managed to snap a few pictures for me:)

Easton had a field trip to the county fair this past week. The kids checked out some cool exhibits....a huge jenga game, bubbles, huge chess and operation. There was lots of things to check out. We watched the pig races {Easton loved those} and checked out the goats. 

Love his sweet little half smile.

Now this is embarrassing.....I took Cameron to school with different colored shoes on. My mommy friend noticed it and pointed it out to me as we were walking back to our cars. I was so embarrassed. And I had errands to run after dropping off Cameron so I wasn't going to back home....I had to go and about like that!!! I guess I will make sure there is a light on in our bedroom next time I get my shoes on. 

Hoping to get a new card made tomorrow for make it Monday using some new products!!!! So excited about the new Ronald McDonald House stamp set!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Rewind.

Lot's of birthday party planning going on here this week. Well right now only planning. I haven't gotten much done and the party is in 2 days. I have a long list of errands to run today.

Of course Staples messed up my print order and I do not have time to deal with it now so now I have to print it at home {which if course I discovered our new printer takes a 5th cartridge and it ran out so just add that to my list} Trying to keep this simple but still lots to do in decoration and food preparation. Hoping to get most of the decorations up tonight and the food done tomorrow night. The boys have games tomorrow starting at 8am so we will be at the ballpark all day.
Thankful my mother is coming by after work tonight and tomorrow to help deal with the crazy kids. And Sunday morning she will help with Bentley {thank goodness because he's been the devil lately}.
It will all get done and turn out great just after a little stress and exhaustion.

Okay so the above was typed out this morning like early morning before the kids were up and before we left the house so like about 5am......

So Cameron left his backpack at home this morning. He's never done that before and is always really good about getting his lunch and snack packed in his backpack. Well this morning I think I know why he forgot it....he was too busy carry a stack of Nascar magazines to the car along with his "Grizzley the Great" bear and his blankie. So this totally  jacks up my whole schedule. I had a written plan of attack for today's errands. So now I had to get his backpack to him by 10am because that's when they have recess and its snack time. So we went to the grocery first dropped off the groceries and grabbed the backpack and raced back to the school {as I have mentioned before the school is like 20 minutes away from our house} and about 1 minute from pulling into the school parking lot Easton just out of nowhere BARFS! So I get him cleaned up with baby wipes and luckily we had some extra clothes in the car and it wasn't too much barf BUT enough to start stinking up the car. So we drop off Cameron's backpack and leave to go run errands {getting ready for the party}. And no clue why he threw up. He was fine the rest of the day and hasn't complained about not feeling well.

Running errands with Bentley is not fun or easy at all. In fact I probably look like a hot mess half the time while I am out with the crazy ass kid. He was "OKAY" for about half of what we did today. So then we head home drop off more groceries from our Costco trip and leave again to get Cameron from school. On the way Bentley unbuckles so I have to pull over and buckle him back up and well he didn't like that I tied the receiving blanket around his buckle again and rolled up his window because he was not he crying, coughing, gagging, and then BARFS! Yes he gagged/barfed whatever the hell you want to call it. So I have to pull over once again and clean up freaking barf. And once again the car starts to smell {after I just scrubbed up Easton's barf}. So that was my day:)

Tomorrow we have 2 games first game at 8am....OH JOY! We will have to leave earlier than a freaking school day. 

 Ring pop from baseball.

Easton being a goof ball and pulling his pants up. He did pull them back down just before he went to hit.

Totally burnt out and so over the school year and baseball season. And we have a small project to do that's due next week....can't we just be done already!!!

We had a pretty good thunderstorm here last night. Thunder and lightening and pouring rain for about an hour. The boys loved it and sat on the porch and watched the lightening Bentley was a little scared and it was so cute when he covered his ears and said "I don't like thunder".

Watching the lighting 

Why are boys so dirty? And why do their feet stink so BAD? I may need to start making Cameron put his dirty socks in the garage. 

One day this week Bentley fell asleep on the way to get Cameron and I only had the wagon....This happens often and it works perfect as a bed. 

Cameron came home with these funny mustaches and wanted hi picture taken. 

The Stampin' Up! catalog is available to demonstrators and I received mine last Friday. Super excited about some of the new stuff:)

Easton screwing around at bedtime.

 On Saturday we got to go out for a couple of drinks. We met up some "old" friends and it was great to see them. Our good friend just opened his own bar so we went to check it out. 

Well I think it's about time I get to bed. I hope everyone has an awesome weekend. We will be celebrating Bentley's Third Birthday on Sunday {i love that his party is actually on his birthday}. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Make it Monday.

Today's Make it Monday is a card we made in class on Friday. I CASED {copy and share everything} straight from the Stampin' Up! blog. I love this card so much. I love this paper. And love the layout. This DSP is called Gold Soiree.....absolutely love it!!!! This paper is on the retired list so it won't be coming back with the new annual catalog.

The little strips of paper are not all cut the same height but all are cut the same width at 4 1/4 inches. You can either layer the pieces together before you adhere to the cardstock or start at the top and layer down would probably be the easiest. I cut each piece at a diagonal. The strips of DSP are not meant to be straight at the top. I also used a stamp set that is on the retired list as well. This is a great set and I am sad to see it go.

I am so sad to see crisp cantaloupe go...BUT the new In-Colors are amazing and you will love them all!

Here are the items are used: 

Built for Free Using: My Stampin Blog

Friday, May 8, 2015

Friday Rewind.

This week was pretty quiet around as far as our schedule went...which was real nice for a change. 

On Sunday Cameron had a birthday party and I decided to take Easton with us. A few months ago Cameron had another party at the skating ring and really enjoyed it. At first he wanted nothing to do with it but by the end he was having so much FUN. So this time I decided to bring Easton along to see if he would enjoy it and maybe this could be something to do over summer break. Easton did rarely well and seemed to enjoy even though he couldn't really skate or go very far. But he tried and had Fun doing it. And of course Cameron had a blast with all his friends BUT he was getting pouting towards the end because he was tired of falling down....LOL.

Then on Monday both kiddos had baseball games and that was pretty much it for the week as far as activities and running around. Cameron's baseball coach gave the boys off from practice the rest of the week {we were doing the happy dance}. 

It seems all three boys are suffering from allergies....yes again.  All are coughing, congested, and sneezing. The last few days Bentley has gotten worse with the big fat green boogers and snot trail from his nose to his cheek. I am just hoping they don't end up with eat infections again. 

The last couple weeks Bentley has been a BIG FAT PAIN in the ASS! His little temper and attitude have gotten so bad BUT that little turd is so stinking cute. I probably have mentioned this already BUT he just wonders around looking for crap to get into and destroy {he destroys everything}! I might as well just follow him around and pick up after him but really who has time for that?! 

 Oh how nice of you to make a pretty purple pattern all over the damn window seal. It stained and now I have to paint it....awesome. Add it to my to-do list.

He loves his whip sticks from Dutch Brothers! And yes we still have to tie his carseat with a blanket. The little shit still unbuckles!

I had card class this morning instead of Sunday since it's Mother's Day on Sunday. I usually have card class the second Sunday of the month. 

Another small happening this week is Ryan and I celebrated out 9th wedding anniversary. Well I guess we really didn't celebrate too much. I took the night off from going to Cameron's monthly parent meeting {it was the last one of the year} that's about it and enjoyed my nightly wine. Nothing exciting happening when you 3 crazy kids. We are going out tomorrow night for little bit without the crazies so I guess we can call that a date. I guess anything really without the kids is considered a date in my book. Heck even a night of shopping {which we have done before} is a date! We have been together since we were 16 years old~ yes we are High School Sweethearts:) We were together for 10 years before we got year a big one I guess...10 years married and 20 years together....and we are treating ourselves to a nice grand vacation{without the crazies}!