
Friday, September 21, 2012


I originally was going to post Bentley's 4 month update today {actually last night} but of course like always things got in the way. I do have it all typed out, I just need to upload some pictures to the computer. So now I write this post in bed from my phone.

Today was kind of a hectic day to say the least. Crazy busy this morning and afternoon running around doing some last minute shopping for our week long trip. And surprisingly I got all my running around done, it took a little longer than planned but it got done. We didn't get home until about 3:00, so like most the day was gone. This late in the day it's so hard for me to get stuff done. Especially just getting home and needing to unload the car plus the kids and their junk. And then it's time to start thinking of dinner and of course like always the kids are running wild and driving me bonkers. They are really trying my patience these days and they are totally getting the best of me. I am going to need a "real" vacation after this one just to recover. now it's like 9:00 and I am so freaking exhausted and tomorrow afternoon we leave for Arizona and I don't have a single thing packed....heck I am still doing laundry!!!! So tomorrow I have to tidy up the house and pack for 5!!!! Lots and lots of crap to do. We are leaving after Ryan gets home from work so I will be doing most of the packing by myself.

Oh and do you want ho hear the coolest part.....we are driving with all 3 kids!!!! read this right, we are driving! And how long of a drive is it you ask....oh like 12 hours....oh yay!!!! The reason for our trip is a family friend is getting married and Ryan is in the wedding;)) It will be good to see them, it's been like 4 years.
I am hoping we can make it like 5 hours, if not then at least 4 hours. We have a DVD player in car for the kids and I bought a couple new movies today for them. I also got them some new color wonder books and a couple other little things to keep them busy {I hope}.

I am sure I will be Instagram-ing it and maybe even a Tweet on Twitter. I still don't really know what I am doing on Twitter but its fun to follow everyone;)) If your on Twitter come find me....@jtsnowchick. I would love to follow some more of my Bloggy land friends;))

Okay folks I am off to pinnin on Pinterest or Draw Something or to sleep I am thinking sleep is going to win.

Monday, September 10, 2012

One Year Ago.

One year ago this week we were here...................... beautiful Mendocino. Our last little getaway just the two of us. Who knows when we will be able to getaway again. Maybe sometime at the beginning of the year {fingers crossed}. We so need to getaway without the little ones, we need some husband and wife time. You can see and read about last years getaway here, here, and here:)

One year ago this week we also found out we were expecting baby #3!!! We were also getting ready to put our house up for sale.....OH man it was a busy week!!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Our weekend was busy but good. We went over to our friends for a BBQ on Saturday to celebrate his birthday and then on Sunday we had to help my BIL and SIL move.They got a cash offer on their house a day after it went on the market, so they have like 15 days to get out and their new house will not close escrow until the end of October so everything went into PODS. I didn't really do much helping, I was trying to chase after the little ones. And in another month or so we get to help again:)

Thursday, September 6, 2012


OKAY....yesterday was a crazy busy day and then I WHACKED my toe!!!

A little background story on my toe nail....YES folks I am going to devote this whole post to my toenail. So a few years ago my toe nail started getting little spots right in the middle of the nail, first they were light in color then started to get darker. I thought it was  from running and my toe jamming up against my shoe. Over the years it slowly started to get worse, so I finally went to the doctor and he said there isn't anything to do for it and just be lucky I can paint my toenails.....GEE thanks doc. That was a long time ago.
Fast forward a couple years after that when I was pregnant with Cameron and now the toe nail looks even worse but still looks like a regular toenail with nasty spots on it. It slowly started getting thick and nasty looking. Fast forward a couple years after that and I whacked it on Easton's crib pulling the nail back a little....OUCH!!!!! Okay so now it looks even worse and hurts even more then it did before.

So now today it doesn't grow, it's thick, and looks deformed. I keep it painted at all times and you really can't tell there is anything wrong with it until you look up close.
So yesterday the kids were on my last nerve, not listening and being wild. Well Cameron decided to move his bed and take the mattress off and use it as a slide. After telling him numerous times to move it back I got all pissed and storm in there and push the bed back whacking my freaking toe on the corner of the bed and pulling my toenail up....a few choice words were said and I could feel the throbbing immediately. I shed a few tears because it hurt like a B&*%H!!!! And then Easton started crying because I was upset {that was actually kinda cute}.

All in the middle of this going on I have a cake in the oven {it was a special cake so I really had to watch it so it didn't burn} and Bentley needed feeding. You see we were going to my MIL house for dinner to celebrate my SIL's birthday:)
I text Ryan to let him know I just whacked my toe and my nail is barely connected. Ryan calls and is like you need to call the doctor to get in today, so I did. Well the doctor wasn't much help. I did figure out that I have a toenail fungus and that's probably why it wasn't growing. He said there is really much he could do. He said to just "baby" it. He also said it might just fall off {which I hope it does} or if it's really bothering me he could just remove it but then it probably won't grow back.

I cannot live the rest of my life with this GHETTO ASS toenail!!!! So now I have a band aid on it. It's still oozing out crap and now my foot is starting to hurt from walking all funny.

Of course this has to happen now that I have finally made it back to the gym and starting losing some of that baby weight. How in the hell am I going to put on a tennis shoe right now?!  I think I might try and go next week sometime and ride the bike {i hope i will be able to do that}. Ok I hope I didnt gross anyone out here.

I couldn't post a picture of my nasty toenail so here is a picture of Bentley with cousin Landon last night at Grandma's house.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

This and That.

First thing first.....My baby boy is changing. His sleeping pattern has totally gone backwards. He now wakes up every 3-4 hours to eat!!! WTF is this all about?! A growth spurt I hope he will just outgrow pretty soon. I usually fall asleep by 10 then up again at about 12:30-1:00 back to sleep 30 minutes later then up again at about 3:15 with Ryan then back to sleep by about 4:30 and then Bentley is usually waking up again to eat. We both liked it so much better when he was sleeping all night and only waking once to eat and that was usually about the time Ryan was waking up. I am not complaining believe me because he is still a way better sleeper than the other two. They are constantly changing at this age.

Only 3 weeks until we leave for AZ! It's about a 12 hour drive from us, so with 3 kids it's probably going to take like 16 hours! I sure hope not!!!! I am already starting to think of some activities to keep them busy on the road besides their little Leapfrog games and movies. The DVD player I think is going to save us lots of misery on this road trip. We will be there for a week and then have to make the drive back.

Last weekend my BFF finally got engaged!!! Super happy and excited for Cynthia and Joe! I am so excited to be able to finally plan a shower for her. Although I was beginning to think it was going to be a baby shower first. The three of us...Vicky {mom}, Rebecca {sister}, and myself are going to have so much fun planning!!! 

I am participating in a giveaway over at Ava Grace's Closet. This is one of my favorite
blogs:) Susan is always posting super cute outfits, things I wish I could get away with wearing. But my most favorite thing about her blog is her sweet little Ava Grace. I just love seeing pictures of this little girl. She is such a cutie!

We got a diaper cake order.....YAY!!! The shop was closed for a little bit, while moving and having a baby.  Not that we usually are flooded with orders or anything. So I will be working on that later today or probably more like later tonight or super early tomorrow morning.

Christmas and birthdays are only like 3 months away!!!!! This I cannot believe!!! So much to start thinking about. I tell myself every year we are going to starting shopping in September, lets see if that happens this year.....yeah right!

A couple weeks ago Cameron had school pictures and this week we have Back to School Night, it's only for pre-school but it's hitting me next year he will be in Kindergarten!!! I don't even want to think about that day. Its going to be a happy and sad day.

Can't wait to get these pictures.....hopefully they got one where he is smiling.

Yes....My cat is FAT!
This is an everyday thing in our house with this cat. He is always right in the middle of the bed. What else is he going to do all day?! Oh and he weighs.....21 pounds!!!