Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Bunny

Later today when Ryan gets home from work we are going to see the Easter Bunny.
I am hoping this year Cameron doesn't cry. His first time seeing the Easter Bunny he was only like 3 months old so he had no idea what was going on. Easton cried with Santa so I am almost positive he will cry with the Easter Bunny.

We have been talking about the Easter Bunny for a couple weeks now, so hopefully that will help Cameron when he sees the big giant white fuzzy thing and he won't be too afraid. I also just showed him the previous years Easter Bunny pictures and he seems excited to go see him so we shall see.

As you can see Cameron wanted nothing to do with Mr. Bunny.......I had to sit with him {wasn't too thrilled about being in the picture}

And once again he wasn't too happy but at least I didn't have to sit with him.

Getting a picture with the Easter Bunny is more for me than it is for them. I am sure if it was up to them they would never go to Santa or the Easter Bunny, so why do I torture them?!

Anyway should be good times:)

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