Tuesday, March 27, 2012

32 and ZERO.

Well last week I hit the 32 week marker and that meant another doctors appointment and another weigh in. Let me tell you the last month was hard with no sweets but I did it. I did splurge on St. Patty's day. I made a Snickers Bar brownie dessert thingy from Pinterest {I will be posting that real soon}. I watched Ryan eat 3 boxes of Girl Scout cookies and it was so tempting and the candy bowl was always full. 
It did pay off.......I gained ZERO pounds! I was so happy:)) Now I just have to get through another month. The day after my doctors appointment we had a baseball fundraiser to attend and I made 2 trips to the dessert table.....whooopsie! So once again no sweets, no fast food, milk, and water only. I hope I can make it this month with only gaining a couple pounds....fingers crossed. I really want that little 8 pounder baby.

Today I hit 33 weeks....only 7 weeks to go!!!! I still don't have any major complaints. I feel pretty good, just your regular pregnancy discomforts. I did buy a book to read to help me at night and falling asleep but I haven't started on it yet. Maybe I should get off the computer and start reading but first I need to find my book light:))


  1. You look great for 32 weeks! Such a perfect baby bump!!

  2. Lookin good mama! Fingers crossed for a 8 lb bebeh! :)

  3. You look super great. Such a cute little round tummy. Man I was a house......

  4. jessica, you're so pretty and seriously, your baby bump is too stinkin' cute! like i said before, i think you can certainly afford to splurge :)
    i'm glad you got to enjoy yourself on st. patty's day and the fundraiser!
    happy 33 weeks!
    i hope the week is treating you well <3

  5. You look amazing:) I never had such restraint when I was pregnant, I always craved sweets

  6. So cute when you are pregnant. A great book I always reccomend is called Secrets of a Baby Whisperer. It was written by an English Nanny. I LOVED it and I had gotten all my kids basically sleeping through the night within the first 3 weeks. They slept atleast 6-8 hrs :) Would for sure read it if you have not :) www.angelaluvnlife.com

  7. You look great, Jessica!!
    You and I are almost there :)


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