Thursday, March 21, 2013

9 Months.

Well not a whole lot has changed since the last update. Still not sleeping all night and still not really eating much. Finally started to eat more of the puffs. He loves to gnaw on bread and it keeps him busy for awhile. He is still taking cat naps in the swing every once in awhile {so happy to finally get some use out of that swing}. He is wearing out the knees in his pj's and his pants. Several have holes and are dirt stained. 

Oh and he is still as cute as can be:)

YAY...the next update is 10 months and I will be all caught up!!! Kinda sad the 12 month update is approaching ***TEARS*** LOTS OF TEARS*** only 2 months and he is a year!!! WTF??!! Where did the last year?! 


  1. Happy nine and ten months to Bentley!! He keeps getting cuter and cuter!! He is seriously gorgeous! I agree...where is time going?! I feel like it was just Christmas!! And now we are almost 1/4 way through the year! I hope your little man starts sleeping and eating more for you. Sending love and wishing you all a wonderful weekend! Thank you so much for all your sweet wishes, Jessica! :) xoxox
    Have a relaxing night!

  2. It moves quickly so so fast.....:0(


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