We found out that Cameron got into the morning session so that's great news. I would have gone nuts with an 11:40-3:00 schedule.
We all went on a family outing to the driving range and has always Cameron ends up in trouble and crying by the time we get back to the car. I didn't do all that bad for not hitting a ball in over a year but I took it easy and only hit a handful. The kids love it cause the balls pop up from a dispenser onto a tee;)
Bentley and I went to Cynthia's dress fitting {wedding is just 3 weeks away} while Cameron and Easton went to John's Incredible Pizza with my mom and grandma. It was nice to come home and have the house quiet for a bit. Bentley decided his 10 minute nap in the car was good enough so nap and actually that happened like 3 times this week.
All three crazies got hair cuts and they were actually pretty good the whole time we were there. We had to wait a little bit even though we had an appointment which was annoying especially when I am waiting with 3 kids but oh well.
OMG your little ones are growing up so fast and the nap pics are HILLarious