Monday, August 1, 2011

Keep on Dreaming.......

Just one of the two things I would like to have sometime soon......

Who wouldn't want a new camera?! The point and shoot camera we have is so outdated. I want something I can take some really good pictures with. I try to convince Ryan we NEED this so we can cherish family memories with good pictures. Many times I try and take pictures with the point and shoot and they turn out blurry, dark. and just not good. He bought me a Canon Rebel 35mm about 5 years ago for my birthday. I didn't know about the DSLR then or I would have gotten one. And who uses film anymore?! You can delete and teach yourself how to take great pictures with a DSLR. I can think of a million reasons why I want NEED this camera, but I won't bore you with that.

I want one so badly. Keep on dreaming.......maybe an early Christmas present;)

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